Nationally Accredited Training ♦ Government Funding in SA and QLD* ♦ RPL Qualification
Nationally Accredited Training ♦ Government Funding in SA and QLD* ♦ RPL Qualification
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  5. BSB30120 Certificate III in Business

Certificate III in Business


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Course Description

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of Business Services job roles. It is likely that these individuals are establishing their own work performance. Individuals in these roles carry out a range of routine procedural, clerical, administrative or operational tasks that require technology and business skills. They apply a broad range of competencies using some discretion, judgment and relevant theoretical knowledge. They may provide technical advice and support to a team.

There are no entry requirements for this qualification, however the preferred pathways for candidates considering this qualification include:

We’ll help you cultivate a culture of learning

Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Occupational titles may include:

  • customer service adviser
  • data entry operator
  • general clerk
  • payroll officer
  • typist
  • word processing operator

This course is delivered via a blended model, predominately offered using electronic-based delivery, with Trainers/Assessors being available Monday – Friday between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm through email and/or telephone.

  • Rolling intake, start anytime!
  • Online delivery for 13 units of competency
  • Office/business workplace, or for students who do not have access to office/business workplace, DP training offers a business/office classroom simulated environment at DP training locations
  • The opportunity to attend weekly trainer-led study support sessions via Zoom for the duration of your course
  • NSW School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs) are required to complete a workplace logbook for 70 hours.
  • Self-paced (up to 12 months to complete)


All learners will be offered the opportunity for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment, who consider that they have and can successfully demonstrate that they have acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning the required knowledge and skills specified in the training package. Learners may apply to have their knowledge and skills assessed via the RPL process and will be required to complete an RPL Application and the relevant RPL Assessment Kit.

  • If you consider yourself to already have the knowledge and skills for the qualification, any person currently working in the industry has the opportunity to apply for the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment-only pathway.
  • You will be required to successfully demonstrate that you have acquired the required knowledge and skills specified in the training package through formal, non-formal and informal learning. To demonstrate your knowledge and skills assessed via the RPL process, please take our skill assessment below and select RPL on your enrolment form.

Take a 60 sec Skill Assessment Check Now to determine your eligibility for RPL.

This course is delivered via our DP Learning@Home Program , offering a mixture of

  • self-paced
  • online
  • blended
  • on-the-job
  • block or day release for apprentices
  • a combination of the above

This course is delivered online Nationally.

Class-based or practical training may be delivered at the locations below.

DP Training Campus

  • Brisbane – 162 Abbotsford Road, Bowen Hills QLD 4006
  • Gold Coast – Level 3, Unit 7, 52 Davenport Street, Southport QLD 4215
  • be over 15 years of age, who have finished or left secondary school
  • undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Skills Indicator assessment questionnaire
  • have technological skills to undertake computer/online work and have access to a computer and software with the following minimum specifications
    • Microsoft Windows XP, or later, or Mac OS X or above; Microsoft Office or equivalent and Adobe Acrobat Reader/Adobe Flash Player and up-to-date internet browser
  • Proof of ID: Colour copy of Passport or Driver’s Licence.
  • Unique Student Identification Number (USI)
  • Colour copy of Certificates and Statement Results for any previously attained or partially completed qualifications completed in or recognised in Australia. If you do not hold a USI Number or have forgotten your USI Number, please visit the link provided below:

This qualification is made up of 13 units of competency (6 core, 7 electives) which reflect the needs of the industry.

Unit codeUnit Name
BSBCRT311Apply critical thinking skills in a team environment
BSBPEF201Support personal wellbeing in the workplace
BSBSUS211Participate in sustainable work practices
BSBTWK301Use inclusive work practices
BSBWHS311Assist with maintaining workplace safety
BSBXCM301Engage in workplace communication
BSBOPS301Maintain business resources
BSBOPS303Organise schedules
BSBPUR301Purchase goods and services
BSBFIN302Maintain financial records
BSBWRT311Write simple documents
BSBTEC201Use business software applications
BSBPEF301Organise personal work priorities
*Students are required to complete all units listed. The course is expected to be completed in a maximum of twelve months. To attain the certificate all assessments and office/business workplace environment hours are required to be completed.
  • Course Fee – $2150
  • RPL assessment – total assessment fee $1500, then if applicable , $100 per unit of gap training capped at 10 units

A $250 deposit is required prior to commencing training and assessment, with fortnightly and monthly payment plans to pay the remaining fees.

Check your state Funding here

You may be eligible for funding based on the state of your residence and other eligibility criteria.